Error Please Note:

Spoonman's website is taking a few weeks off to "spoon up" a new website, coming soon. Please check back after May 1st!!!

Reseller Information

Do you think Spoonman Creations are a good match for your store, and you would like to sell our products?...

Price breaks for resellers.

There are usually around 70–80 people around the world that are buying our creations for resale. We think they deserve a bigger discount than the one we give everyone else. Our 'resale packet' (see below) will have our current discount pricing.

Sterling Silver Items

There is no discount on solid sterling silver pieces, and they will cost a lot more than silverplate, brass, or stainless steel. Silver prices are always changing, so call ahead to see if we can supply it and what the cost would be.

Shipping & Shipping Costs for Resellers

In addition, we charge resellers 'as close as we can figure' to actual shipping charges. Since the shipping charges can't be calculated until the box is ready to go, we prefer you use a credit card for payment.

We try to ship all orders within a week. Orders over $500 may take longer.

Requesting a resale packet...

If you email me a postal address, I can send you the complete 'resale packet'.

Spoonman Catalog

We are no longer printing a paper catalog. Our website will always have the correct and current prices.

Resale Orders

Resellers cannot order through the website to get our extra resellers' discount. Once we have you set up as a reseller, your orders can be placed via phone or email. If by email, please use the subject line: "order, store name, date" to speed up the process.